The Foundation of all RamRods Designs
Pioneer Archery Designs got its start in 2014 when two teammates were discussing how stabilizers can change the way a bow reacts. As the series of conversations broadened to vibrations, stabilization theory, and gaps in the archery industry, Zach Garrett and Joe Fanchin became excited about the idea of developing a company unlike anything in the market.
Over the next year, the duo spent countless hours designing and testing Pioneer Archery Designs’ first product line: RamRods. By the end of 2015, prototypes of RamRods half–inch diameter stabilizer were being used in competitions by Garrett and several other archers at the highest international level.
As demand for the company’s RamRods increased, Garrett and Fanchin looked into designing products beyond stabilizers. The two were excited to dedicate the future of the company to pioneering innovative archery products and making archery experts’ technical advice available to the public.
In 2016 Josh Smith, another teammate of Fanchin and Garrett, joined the team. Smith and Fanchin have taken over RamRods Archery. Together they are developing and launching new products, exhibiting RamRods lines at trade shows, and expanding business into international markets.

Joe Fanchin
Joe has a B.S. degree in Aerospace Engineering, and is co-owner and engineer of Ramrods Archery. Fanchin has competed nationally and internationally representing team USA where he met Smith and Garrett.
Fanchin has been part of RamRods / Pioneer Archery Designs since its inception in 2014. Realizing they have the opportunity to create archery equipment that is both minimal in drag, and maximizes the vibration dampening, the Ramrods product line was born.
Fanchin trained at the US Olympic training Center (USOTC) for 5 years under US National Head Coach, KiSik Lee. Fanchin is also an international medalist as both an individual and in team rounds.

Josh Smith
Josh has a B.S. degree in business management, and is co-owner and business manager of RamRods. Smith has been part of RamRods / Pioneer Archery Designs since 2016.
Smith was a resident athlete for 5 years at the US Olympic Training Center (USOTC) in Chula Vista, California, under US National Head Coach, KiSik Lee. Teammates at the USOTC since 2009, Smith and Fanchin have not only trained together on the archery field, but also work together to develop optimal performance stabilizers for all levels and abilities.
Smith has been a competitor representing Team USA Nationally and internationally. Smith is currently certified by USA Archery as a level 4 NTS Coach.